the shallow ramblings of nobody important
Bush is a tree-hugging Greenie
Published on September 27, 2005 By Professor Tournesol In The Environment
I don't believe it. Did I mis-hear or did Dubyah, the President of the Corporate States of America actually tell American customers to drive LESS? Is this for real? Doesn't this infringe on a constitutional right to do whatever you want without any consequences? Who does he think that he is? Next thing he'll be coming up with Pinko statements like you don't actually NEED 5 cars in the driveway, or even worse, that they should be cars and not the Urban Assault Vehicles that are an American right (especially if you live in a city). then it's a slippery slope to things like bicycles (haven't all those gas hating cyclists been killed yet), and even losing weight or turning off the lights when you aren't in the room. He may even start believing in fantasies like Global Warming ( another UN/leftist plot of course) rather than supporting the Truth like ID!
Please write to Vice President Cheney and other corporate heads of Government and ask them to spank him if he doesn't recant immediately!

on Sep 27, 2005
Urban Assault Vehicles

on Sep 27, 2005
noooooooooooooo not bush.......... oh God it's one of the 7 signs of the end of the world......... run for your lives....
on Sep 27, 2005
What next, he'll advocate Hydrogen fuel, budget funds for wind power and take up running and biking for exercise? ;~D
on Sep 28, 2005
I wonder who this is, dabe or myr?
on Sep 28, 2005
What next, he'll advocate Hydrogen fuel,

Um. Yea, he already has. A lot. It was a big budget item in 2004 (maybe 2003).
on Sep 28, 2005
Um. Yea, he already has. A lot. It was a big budget item in 2004 (maybe 2003).

Shhhh! Dont tell that to the Absent minded professor! He is on a horse! (Looking at the rear actually).
on Sep 28, 2005
Um. Yea, he already has. A lot. It was a big budget item in 2004 (maybe 2003).

I know Shades, that's why the post was funny... (or not.) ;~D
on Nov 18, 2006
Maybe if we drive less in Iraq? What do you guys think?
on Nov 18, 2006
I see the Prez got my letter.